Árbol bonetero


Euonymus europaeus

Matapoll, evònim, barretets de capellà (Catalan) | Fuseira (Galician) | Bonete-de-preste (Portugese) | Bonetero silvestre europeo (Spanish) | Bonnet Carré (French)

The common spindle can be found anywhere between sea level and a height of 1500 m, naturally accompanied by other deciduous species such as beech (fagus sylvatica) or oak.

Common spindle reaches a height of 2 metres, with a somewhat random growth. Its leaves are lanceolate, arranged in opposites creating an elliptical form, from 3-8 cm in length and 1-4 cm broad. The leaves of the common spindle are distinguished by the intense tones of red they take on during the autumn months of October and November.

The euonymus europaeus produce flowers in the months of spring. Their flowers, with a pale green tone are not especially eye-catching. In October and November the fruit or “bonnet” ripens, acquiring a deep pink colour divided into four valves, grouped into bouquets that open when the fruit ripens, releasing four seeds covered in an orange pulp equally as beautiful. These fruit resemble bonnets, a type of hat with four corners worn in ancient times by clergymen, schoolboys and graduates.

In earlier times the fruit of the spindle was used as a blonde dye. It was prepared by making a mixture and then applying it, and thanks to its insecticidal properties of alkaloid evonina.

Its important to know that despite their striking appearance, the seeds of the spindle are not apt for consumption, given that the plant is highly poisonous.

Its wood is a whitish or yellowish colour that is highly resistant and hard, and therefore highly valued for making charcoal as a component for gunpowder or pieces of charcoal for drawing. In the past, it was highly valued for making stocking needles and distaff spindles, hence some of its common nicknames, husera, huseda, fusera (Asturian) or fuseira (Galician), all meaning spindle.

EUROPEAN SPINDLE characteristics

Discover the different parts of the tree are like

Tronco del bonetero


Hoja del bonetero


Flor del bonetero


Fruto del bonetero



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